Combined Bicycle Frame Test Rig ISO 4210-6 EN 14766, 14764, 4765, 14781, DIN 79100 / Pedelec Norm EN 15194
Combined Bicycle Frame Test Rig accoding EN 14766 / 14764 / 14765 / 14781 DIN 79100 / Pedelec Norm EN 15194
Dynamic test with vertical and horizontal forces. Safety machine cover and sound protection.
- Test bench comply with european giudlines©.
- Optimal accesabiltiy over the Weinmann Safety Rollo® (2,50 m max).
- dynamic test bench over 100.000 cycles depending upon bike type and standard.
- test rig give you a big benefit to find best material / supplier at frame development.
- test bench made out of super solid aluminium profil.
- test force adjustable 0 – 2500 N measured by HBM precisions load cell.
- horizontal and vertical adjustable.
- test cycle free adjustable 0 – 999.999.