Pressure stamp for measuring the forming behavior according to DIN SPEC 68200

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    * Pflichtfeld

    Device for determining the forming behavior according to DIN 68200


    Device for determining the molding behavior

    The device shall consist of the compression plungers specified in 5.3 and a tester capable of applying a vertical downward force of at least 350 N. The device is connected to the load cell of a material testing machine in the middle between the spherical caps.

    The limit deviation of the height measuring system must be within ±0.5 mm.

    The limit deviation of the force measuring system must be within ±1 % of the maximum possible load.

    The device must be such that horizontal forces do not influence the measurements.



    Pressure stamp for determining the forming behavior

    Two spherical indenters type XIII according to DIN 53579:2015-04 are rigidly connected with a distance of 360 mm from center to center. This punch system is equipped with a swivel joint in the middle to apply force (see Fig. 2).

    In the middle between the two indenters is a linear guide that can move freely in a vertical direction, the lower end of which is formed by a rectangular measuring surface measuring 15 mm × 95 mm. The mass of the device consisting of the linear guide and measuring surface is 52 g. When at rest, the measuring surface is at the same height level as the point-shaped “undersides” of the indenters.



      Information on the processing of your information and right to object: data protection declaration / Datenschutzhinweise.

      * Pflichtfeld


      Schmidt-Engineering GmbH
      Ostbahnstraße 15
      91217 Hersbruck

      Tel: +49 9151-4232
      Fax: +49 9151-3878



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